31 May 2008
30 May 2008
Things you don't see in NC
29 May 2008
On Memorial Day we went to Disneyworld! Neither of us had really ever been there before. Gina's parents say they took her to Disney when she was a little girl, but she doesn't remember. In fact she has always suspected her parents were lying. So we were pretty excited to see this:

We were there during some kind of flower festival. They even had flowers growing out in the water. It was pretty amazing and these roses smelled delicious.

We didn't see many Disney characters walking around, which surprised us. We didn't even see Mickey! But we did see these guys:
And Donald and Daisy were there too.
Germany, where we ate lunch.
We enjoyed wonderful authentic German cuisine and listened to some folk music. Suzanne and Joey knew a few of the guys in the band. They had everyone in the restaurant toast the newlyweds and played them a special song.
Outside Japan, where 150-yr old bonsai trees were on display.
The Beatles in England. 
Playing "Titanic" on the ferry over to the Magic Kingdom (minus the sinking part)
Our first view of the castle. Joey told us that the Disney folks pump fake cookie smell out into Main Street to make people hungry and sure enough, we smelled delicious chocolatey cookies about halfway down the street. And we wanted some - Thomas wants to buy that spray for himself.
Our favorite ride was the Small World ride. We loved the boats and the tiny dancing people from every country. This was the only ride that Gina remembered from her supposed childhood trip to Disneyland. So maybe she did go after all!
Thomas had to explain to Gina that this was Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. We've put the movie in our Netflix cue so Gina can catch up on her Disney. To infinity and beyond. We shot a ton of aliens on this ride. That's to get back at them for attacking our house.
Thank you to Suzanne and Joey for being so generous and letting us visit Disney for free! We loved it and we can't wait to go back and see more.
28 May 2008
Suzanne and Joey's Wedding
Harrassed by extraterrestrials
Have we become the target?
A few nights ago, something busted through the ceiling and made a loud boom!
Thomas knew how to fix it
Good as new
Looks like the meteorite was shaped like a mandal

22 May 2008
Coleus Farm: Before and After
Here's the side of the house before we did a little gardening...
And after.

Thomas ripping out the grass with a pickaxe. It's a hard job, but Thomas is a beast and he cleared it quickly.

We've had a "coleus farm" next to the kitchen window since last summer. They are easily propogated; if you pinch off a branch and put it in water, you get a new plant. Thomas turned last year's 6 plants into 30 or so. All the excitement has turned us into coleus pinching thieves. We acquired a few new varieties from the zoo parking lot last week.
Thomas ripping out the grass with a pickaxe. It's a hard job, but Thomas is a beast and he cleared it quickly.
We've had a "coleus farm" next to the kitchen window since last summer. They are easily propogated; if you pinch off a branch and put it in water, you get a new plant. Thomas turned last year's 6 plants into 30 or so. All the excitement has turned us into coleus pinching thieves. We acquired a few new varieties from the zoo parking lot last week.
19 May 2008
Wii bought one
After several weeks with Daniel's wii, wii were starting to really panic about what wii would do when it was gone. Wii tried to convince Daniel to leave it with us, but he said no. So wii pooled our resources, went to Target, and got this:

For those of you thinking that now it's going to be really impossible to focus on our dissertations, well, you may have a point. But wii're going to use it to get buff! Fitness is a noble pursuit. Look what comes out Wednesday.
For those of you thinking that now it's going to be really impossible to focus on our dissertations, well, you may have a point. But wii're going to use it to get buff! Fitness is a noble pursuit. Look what comes out Wednesday.
Inspired by Thomas' parents' recent trip to Greece, we all went to dinner tonight at the Mykonos Grill, a great greek restaurant. We're sad that Daniel and Elizabeth are leaving tomorrow. We already miss King Boo a lot, and hope everyone comes back to visit soon!
15 May 2008
Trip to the zoo
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