30 October 2008

A Sweet Idea

This Halloween we're using our famous recruiting technique to get some new piano students. We're handing out special candy treat bags with a business card and coupon attached. Brilliant idea, huh? We thought of it ourselves...
No just kidding, we would never think up something that clever on our own. Thanks Monica for the great idea and the helpful reminder.

29 October 2008


We don't know if it was the right thing to do or not, but we went out tonight and picked every last tomato from the garden. It's so cold at night and we don't want them to freeze to death.
We even picked the tiny ones.
Winnie doesn't care if they are ripe or not. He loves all fruits and vegetables.
Hopefully they will all ripen in the kitchen window.

26 October 2008


Gina changed the blog's color scheme to reflect her love of the fall season. Thomas thinks it is ugly and Gina's ma called it poopie. What do you think?

22 October 2008

It's Harvest Time

We got our first frost warning here, so Gina went out and chopped down all the basil plants to make her famous pesto. She doesn't use a recipe, she just puts basil in the food processor with a handful of pine nuts, a few cloves of garlic, and some olive oil. No vampires will be visiting this house.
Frozen and ready to be mixed with tomatoes for pasta sauce this winter.

19 October 2008

Winnie to the rescue

Thomas was really angry with his smoothie this morning because it was too thick to pour correctly. He says he's never made such a frikkin' bad smoothie.
But we put our little clean-up crew to work and the mess was gone in no time.

15 October 2008


This morning Gina and Delphi went to the park with Thomas and took pictures while he ran.

13 October 2008

No Snow Here

While some people are freezing in Utah, we are enjoying perfect weather for a nice sunny breakfast out on the back porch.
So relaxing.

12 October 2008


This bread was an adventure! It required the use of a suspiciously moldy-looking rye sourdough culture that sat out on the kitchen counter for a week and a half. And lots and lots of seeds.
"....straight from a bakery in Germany." -an anonymous taster

10 October 2008

Little Green Apron

Yesterday Gina made an apron. She had to purchase an iron and ironing board for this, because ironing is not something she does very often (ok, never.)It was supposed to take an hour to assemble this apron, but it took Gina four. Sewing is hard! And that was without stopping to fix mistakes....But it was a fun project. Here it is, finished!

06 October 2008

Little Green Heart

Gina cut up an old polo shirt and made a dog toy with her sewing machine.
She might not be so good at sewing yet...But the dogs thought it tasted nice anyway.

New Glasses

Thomas wears glasses when he's playing oboe and while he's driving at night. Here he is before... And after.
Gina thinks he looks so handsome. What do you think?

05 October 2008

Sunday Morning

We had the best waffles this morning, poured from the nicest bowl. Thanks Daniel, Elizabeth, and Meaghan! Bella wanted some but she didn't get any.