31 May 2009

Candy-free June

So, we decided to give up all candy for the entire month of June. Why, you ask? Well, Gina just announced it. She says there is no nutrition in candy. Lemonheads are no friends of ours, at least not till July.We decided this a few days ago and we have been enjoying our last little bits of happiness. Thomas is determined to finish a big box of Nerds and giant bag of Strawberry-Peanut Butter M&Ms before tomorrow.
It's harder for Thomas to give up candy than it is for Gina. He really loves candy. So in solidarity Gina has agreed to give up something she really loves: lazing around in the morning while Thomas goes for a run. So she has to work out on the Wii fit every week day in June.
By the way if any of you are feeling healthy, Aldi has awesome deals right now on fruit.

26 May 2009

Wedding Sponsor PD

Thomas and Gina went wedding suit shopping for Daniel and Elizabeth's wedding today and surprisingly enough we found the perfect suit at the Pineapple Dictatorship Outlet....actually that's the only place we looked....Thomas got the suit for free as he was immediately signed as the new face of Pineapple (just kidding....he found it in his closet).

@ Copyright 2009 Pineapple Dictatorship
International Copyright Secured
All Rights Reserved

21 May 2009

Gina's worst nightmare

Mmm, fresh green lettuce, just picked from the garden! How delicious.
But wait, what's this floating up from the water? A disemboweled pincher butt bug with its guts trailing behind it, and a slug!
No more salads for Gina, ever.

It's love

Just another lazy morning on the couch for Winnie.
Then big old Bella joined him for a snuggle.And they fell asleep like this.

19 May 2009

T's flower pics

Strawberry blossom
Fiveleaf akebia
Sunflower closed
Sunflower open

What's for breakfast

Wow guys, you should try eating couscous for breakfast. The recipe is a little wierd, especially the part where you steep a tea bag in the simmering fruit...
And you have to get past the idea of eating dinner food in the morning. But it's delicious! We've had it a couple of times now.
For his breakfast, Winnie ate an olive pillow.

13 May 2009

Bad cookie

The cookies we made tonight did not turn out right at all.

Strawberry eating

It's going to be strawberries at every meal this week. The other day we made strawberry shortcake with fresh whipped cream.
And this morning, we had a big puffy baked pancake. Thomas called it Croc-off-loff. Best breakfast ever! You all should try it. It was like Freya's once in a lifetime breakfast, but quick and easy. We used salted butter in the pan which made it taste even better.
Topped with strawberries, powdered sugar, and lemon.
Thomas put a little more sugar on his...

11 May 2009


Today we went strawberry picking. We had planned to buy tons (like 40 pounds, seriously) but realized we forgot to bring our checkbooks so we just got $20 worth.
It was cold and a little rainy, so the place was deserted. We had the whole farm to ourselves.
Surprisingly, we didn't eat many while picking. Gina ate one but Thomas refused. He thinks that foxes piss on them and that's how you get rabies.It just took a few minutes to fill 4 buckets.

This one here is the best one we got. Hello!

Soon they will all be smoothies. Or this.

09 May 2009

Concert at Elon

Gina has been rocking some hard core heavy metal this week. We can't say what the music was or we'd get busted for breaking the law. Especially Daniel who was a major criminal. Anyways, that's how fierce this concert was.

This was a first at a gig: we were given costumes to wear. Gina's costume was a little on the "roomy" side.There were a bunch of video screens onstage and we were sitting up there behind those windows.Thanks Meaghan for getting us hired! And Daniel for doing the music... you did an awesome job.

08 May 2009


Gina's sister and niece have been in Virginia all this week but we were so busy with concerts and rehearsals that we couldn't go up to see them. Until today! We arranged to meet them in lovely Lynchburg VA for lunch at Panera.

Here we have Thomas, Isabella, Katrina, and Gina's ma.
And here is Gina's sweet Oma.
Isabella giving her mama "puppy kisses."
Poor Katrina lives in a country with no Targets. After lunch we all headed across the street to our favorite store.
We only had a couple hours to spend with them, but it was great. See you again soon Isabella!

04 May 2009

Would you eat this?

Gina made a disgusting breakfast this morning: Cornmeal Mush. Thomas ate it though, because he is nice.