29 October 2008


We don't know if it was the right thing to do or not, but we went out tonight and picked every last tomato from the garden. It's so cold at night and we don't want them to freeze to death.
We even picked the tiny ones.
Winnie doesn't care if they are ripe or not. He loves all fruits and vegetables.
Hopefully they will all ripen in the kitchen window.


The Varner Crew said...

That's what I do, too. I just can't stand to loose any of my tomatoes. Most of them make it just fine!

Scott and Meaghan said...

Your blog is red now, I like it, very fallish. The shot of the tomatoes at the window looks cool

ERIKA said...

Helen and I were wondering where the match for size comparison is in your tomato pictures...we miss it.