02 February 2009

3 Years

Today is our 3 year anniversary. Instead of going to the zoo or taking the day off or having a nice dinner like a normal couple, we decided to stay home and get a bunch of work done. So, we rang in the new year with laundry, grocery shopping, a few hours of dissertation writing, and - this was horrible - consolidating our student loans.

But really every day is romantic when you're on Team P. We actually like eating leftovers and burnt pizza in front of the tv. Even better, there's a show on in 3D. What more could you want??


Suzanne said...

Happy Anniversary! I saw all the ads for the 3-D episode of Chuck - how was it? And where did you get the glasses?

Scott and Meaghan said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! I'm glad it was so productive and fun :)

Thomas and Gina said...

thanks! we found them in a bin at food lion for free.

Thomas and Gina said...

wow, we're all up early.