20 February 2009

Things Winnie Did Today

1. walked on Gina's face while she was resting
2. ate receipt
3. ate contact lens case
4. ate pencil
5. stuck nose in Meaghan's purse (looking for gum)
6. got a cracker wrapper out of Gina's purse
7. barked during Timothy and Caleb's piano lessons
8. stole 2 bites of Gina's lunch
9. stole 1 bite of Gina's dinner
10. licked the dirty dishes in the dishwasher
11. ate some shards of a plate that Bella broke
But we still love him.


Scott and Meaghan said...

haha, I guess Winnie didn't want the mint flavored gum I had :)

Suzanne said...

Wow, Winnie had a busy day!