09 April 2009

Horrible beastly creatures

The Rudys are here and they must really think we live in the jungle. Turns out the black widow spider is not the only beast lurking in the inky shadows of the backyard. Here are some other monsters we unearthed yesterday.

Does anyone know what kind of snake this is by the way? Does it kill you by strangulation or by poison?
Gina really has a hard time with this one. There are a lot of legs here. This is much worse than the snake.
And this.
Even this bird is freaky.
This might be our last post.


Scott and Meaghan said...

hahaha! Such a funny post. Gina I'm with you on that multi-legged creature, EEEWWW!! I hope you all survived, I was so looking forward to our next round of Settlers :)

ERIKA said...

That bird looks vicious if you ask me. Beware of the cardinals!!