29 August 2009

What a delicious granola bar

Perfect for this time of year, when nobody has time to sit down and eat breakfast.Preheat oven to 250.

Combine 7 cups of dry granola ingredients in a large bowl. Of that 7 cups, about half should be rolled oats. The rest can be what you want: dried fruit, chocolate pieces, nuts, seeds, wheat germ, trail mix, coconut, whatever you like. A spoonful of cocoa powder is good in there too.

Warm one can of low-fat sweetened condensed milk in the microwave for 30-60 seconds, until it is thin enough to stir easily. You can add a giant spoonful of peanut butter too.

Add the condensed milk mixture to the granola and stir well.

Grease a 9 x 13 baking dish and press the mixture down firmly with a spatula. Bake for 45 minutes. Let it cool completely before you cut it up. Have a great day!

21 August 2009

Deal on Gum

Thomas never passes up a good deal. Today it was 22 packages of gum at Target.


A Greensboro Grasshopper

20 August 2009

Thomas and his happy feet

This is the story of Thomas and how he came to acquire these beautiful new mandals.
One of his mandals was destroyed in a violent attack a long time ago, and the other one died last weekend.
But that sure didn't stop Thomas from wearing them. These "Faded Glorys" from the WalMart's were discontinued, and they were all he had.
We searched and searched for a replacement pair. Thomas tried on fake Birkenstocks everywhere he could. He tried on women's sandals. We even looked for them in Canada. But nothing matched the comfort and price of those busted-up, 9-dollar mandals.
And then.....
A pair of generous patrons of the arts suddenly came to town and took pity on poor Thomas. Now he is a proud owner of genuine German Birkenstocks. The lady at the store said they would last 30 years.
He couldn't be happier. The end!

18 August 2009

The other Professor P

Today is Gina's first day back!
She's teaching 2 music appreciation classes here. Her bag actually has wheels, but she carries it because everyone will laugh at her if she rolls it.

17 August 2009

Professor P

Here's our handsome professor on his first day of school.
Thomas is teaching 5 college classes this semester: music fundamentals, class piano, and three sections of music appreciation. Isn't his bag awesome?

16 August 2009

Handy Winnie

Helping fix the disposal.

08 August 2009

Things we bought

A $20 laminator from Aldi. It smells very stinky while it's on, but we love having it. Look how professional our studio calendar looks now!
Gina's new shoes that Thomas bought her for only $15 a piece. She loves them.