28 February 2009

Things around the house

Most of our seeds have sprouted and they are so cute. Our little broccoli plants wish they were outside in the sun.
These tulips have been cheerfully adorning our table.
Our newest healthy idea: berry breakfast bars. We got this recipe from You've Got Supper this week and they're delicious!

20 February 2009

Things Winnie Did Today

1. walked on Gina's face while she was resting
2. ate receipt
3. ate contact lens case
4. ate pencil
5. stuck nose in Meaghan's purse (looking for gum)
6. got a cracker wrapper out of Gina's purse
7. barked during Timothy and Caleb's piano lessons
8. stole 2 bites of Gina's lunch
9. stole 1 bite of Gina's dinner
10. licked the dirty dishes in the dishwasher
11. ate some shards of a plate that Bella broke
But we still love him.

You've Got Supper

We love to cook and try new recipes, but we both dread sitting down and writing up a shopping list. This website is great! Each week you get an email with some easy recipes. We just click on the ones we plan to cook, then print out the recipes. The best part is that you can also print out a shopping list for your selected recipes which is organized by store aisle. Last week's Kickin' Chicken was especially good, and we also loved the pasta we had on Valentine's Day. It is free, so sign up and give it a try. Thanks Katrina!

15 February 2009


We had a lovely Valentine's day. It started out a little busy - Gina taught lessons and Thomas had a symphony rehearsal - but we had plenty of time to relax and have a delicious dinner in the afternoon.
We tried a new salad with feta, orange, and pistachio. It was so good.
And Gina's famous sundried tomato pasta with roasted red pepper cream sauce and shrimp.
For dessert: chocolate covered strawberries.
After dinner we attended (well Gina attended, Thomas performed in) a pops concert of Rodgers and Hammerstein show tunes.
Here's our handome oboist after the show.
It was a fun day. We love being together.

13 February 2009


With 60 degree temperatures all week, it sure feels like spring around here. We did a little research online and saw that the frost free date for Greensboro is April 22, and that's only 9 1/2 weeks away. Time to start planting seeds!

You need vegetables to survive, so this type of project certainly takes precedence over dissertation writing.
You can see one of our future delicious dinners right here.

06 February 2009


Spanakopita! Gina made this recipe for lunch today. She used spinach instead of swiss chard because what the heck is swiss chard?
Thomas, there will be lots left over for you.

UPDATE: Gina didn't actually taste this spanakopita until later. Unfortunately, it turned out sort of gross. It looked and smelled great, but the spinach inside was really squishy and juicy. Yuk! Anyone out there have a better recipe?

03 February 2009

Peace and Love

For your information, this is the amount of snow it takes to close everything down in Greensboro. Gina's music appreciation students will be thrilled because they had a test scheduled for this morning.
With the whole morning freed up Gina decided to try cooking granola for breakfast. Like a big hippie! We didn't have maple syrup so she used a combination of molasses and Hungry Jack, which gave it a wierd taste. It was good though. We feel healthy.

02 February 2009

3 Years

Today is our 3 year anniversary. Instead of going to the zoo or taking the day off or having a nice dinner like a normal couple, we decided to stay home and get a bunch of work done. So, we rang in the new year with laundry, grocery shopping, a few hours of dissertation writing, and - this was horrible - consolidating our student loans.

But really every day is romantic when you're on Team P. We actually like eating leftovers and burnt pizza in front of the tv. Even better, there's a show on in 3D. What more could you want??

01 February 2009

One last recital

Tonight Gina played in her last performance as a UNCG student! She played Debussy's Cello Sonata and Dvorak's Piano Trio in F minor. With this last hurdle behind her, both she and Thomas are now "officially" ABD.

Truly, Gina's biggest concern was how she was going to manage turning her pages, because it was a little tricky. She should have taped her part up months ago, but she couldn't figure out how. Thomas solved the page-turn puzzle.
Getting ready for the Dvorak
After the concert with all the other recital performers: Deb (pianist), Dan (violin) and Andrea (soprano).
These pretty tulips were a gift from Thomas.
What a relief to be finished! The concert went great.