01 January 2009

Team P 2008 Year in Review

Best new recipe
G: Sourdough bread from scratch
T: Rice pudding

Favorite meal
G: Giant wiener schnitzel in Vienna
T: Every meal

Least favorite meal
Broccoli rabe. Inedible for Thomas

Flavors of pie eaten
Cherry Supreme
Chocolate Chess

Things we were surprised to learn that Winnie will eat
Christmas tree, grapefruit, orange peel, banana peel, coffee

Worst smell of the year
December 26, 2008. Bella, after sneaking in to the kitchen and eating a plate of Christmas cookies

All the places we went
Charlottesville, Virginia
Salzburg and Vienna, Austria
Munich, Germany
Orlando, Florida
Bowmanville, Canada
All over Quebec, Canada (Gina)
Columbus, Ohio

Favorite new gadget
A three way tie: the Wii, the single-cup coffee machine, and Thomas' touch-screen phone that you can watch tv on

Favorite game
Tie: Settlers of Catan and Mario Kart

Favorite new hobby
T: photography
G: sewing

Best career news
G: Getting a job teaching Music Appreciation, going on string quartet tour with great salary
T: Subbing as principal with Winston-Salem Symphony, becoming a founding member of Relevents Wind Quintet

Pounds lost: 20 (all by Thomas)
Most miles run in a row: 14 (again, Thomas)

Favorite outfit
T: flannel shirt and 32-waist jeans
G: grey raincoat from H+M

Number of music students
4 piano
6 cello

Best home improvement
Adding a vegetable garden

Head count
People: 2. Thomas and Gina
Dogs: 3. Bella, Delphi, and Winnie
Fish: maybe 20? And 1 shrimp
Frogs: 4. Scheidt, Schuetz, Meaghan, and Scott
In memory of many fish, a newt named Fig, and several frogs

Favorite blog post of the year
Click here

Funniest moment of the year
Winnie blowing himself over with a big sneeze

What we're looking forward to in 2009
Ikea opening in Charlotte
Thomas' quintet tour to Germany, Switzerland, and France
Daniel and Elizabeth's wedding
Graduating for real


Suzanne said...

What a great recap! We may steal this idea for a blogpost of our own. Congrats to Daniel and Elizabeth!

Thomas and Gina said...

please do!

Scott and Meaghan said...

Yay!! I love the frog names :D
This is a great post!!