14 April 2009

Park City and Energy Solutions Arena

This morning we drove up into the mountains a bit to visit Park City. These are the ski jump ramps used during the Winter Olympics held here.
It was a cooler, rainy day...a perfect day for some shopping at the Outlets! Banana Republic (aka Pineapple Dictatorship) had a 40% off sale for the entire store. Needless to say we all found something we liked.
For lunch I was treated to a Salt Lake City specialty: fish tacos, which we enjoyed back at Baba's, where Daniel has been staying. She is lots of fun! They have fish taco stands all over the place here.
This is Suzy
This afternoon went back to the Energy Solutions Arena to meet up with Elizabeth's dad (Daniel's future father in law) John, where he works. He was the one who gave us the tickets for last night's game. Today he took us on a wonderful tour behind the scenes of the arena.
Here we are in the Jazz locker room
Some stats up on a white board
Walking to the arena we saw all these semis and buses lined up outside the arena...about 30 semis and 20 buses.
This is why:
Whenever I perform there are 0 semis and 0 buses, just me in my purple Dodge Neon 'Prince'
They were working hard at transforming the place for Britney's Circus show. Guess where we'll be tonight?

Flowers in front of the arena


Thomas and Gina said...

Oh my gosh - please bring that adorable puppy with you when you come home.

ERIKA said...

Nice blog updates! It looks like you're having a great time. You guys really do love basketball... Not so sure about the fish tacos. Sounds a little fishy to me ~ hee, hee. Why is your car called "Prince?"
Love your spring jacket, Elizabeth. =)